About me

This is the professional web site of Dr. Mathieu E. Rebeaud!

Biography - Current Work

My usual name is Mathieu Edouard Rebeaud and my full name is Mathieu Marius Jean Edouard Rebeaud. I am a Swiss citizen who defended his PhD in biochemistry at the University of Lausanne in July 2022 under the supervision of Prof. Pierre Goloubinoff. I had the chance to work on several different topics - partly because of the Covid-19 pandemic - which made me leave my comfort zone, a bit by choice.

During the pandemic, I wrote a lot about misinformation and fake news on Twitter, especially about Covid treatments and vaccines. I was lucky enough to be able to write a humorous but useful paper with some colleagues and friends to trap a predatory magazine (see explanation and a short summary here: Link). This paper is one of the most widely read in my career, and I was lucky enough to be able to use it to highlight the need to be wary of predatory journals and unscrupulous publishers, and of scientists using them to promote sometimes far-fetched theories.

I was then able to participate in research projects on my main subject, i.e. molecular chaperones and HSPs (heat shock proteins), as well as on Covid-19 by carrying out some meta-analyses and opinion papers.

My main research interests are molecular chaperones and the study of their structure-function, as well as their phylogenetic evolution. The family I am most interested in at the moment is the JDPs (J-domain proteins) and their phenomenal increase during the evolution of species.

I am currently working as a Scientific Collaborator in the Laboratory of Statistical Biophysics of Prof. De Los Rios in EPFL.

I really love cats and felines and especially my two little black cats, Gilgamesh and Mailikki.